Insurgency (INS) is a total conversion for Valve Software's Half-Life 2, powered by the Source Engine. INS immerses the player in an intense online combat experience. Set on the modern battlefields, Insurgency simulates infantry combat that encourages the use of teamwork and tactics to close with and destroy the enemy.
$ 3.00 / Public Slot
Terms & conditions apply

Features Included:
100 Tickrate, 500 FPS default
Full FTP Access
Game-Panel Administration (Including server start & stop ability)
Feature packed web hosting (free on request)
10 slot TeamSpeak/Ventrilo server (free on request)
Optional Extras:
All services now come with | Branding Removal FREE of charge. Server name can be set to anything you wish.
Mod/Plug-in/Settings Available:
Mani Admin Plugin