Ventrilo Outage

[Issue Resolved]

UPDATE: Ventrilo network was restored on 3rd of April. All clients will be reimbursed with a months free service. We apologise for any inconveniences caused.

All Ventrilo services are currently down due to issues with our license company in the US. After a struggle with internal connection problems, Eventually we lost total communication with the licensing server.

Efforts on resolving all issues are being made by our licensing company, however at current we are unsure of an ETA.

Ventrilo will be restored as soon as possible.

We apologise for any inconveniences which have been caused as a result.

Please note: TeamSpeak services are not affected by this.

Comments (3)

New Features and Packages

War Server Deals, and more!

Over the past few days we have been revising our services and contemplating on what we could provide to the gaming community to assist in any way possible.

In this stage of planning a few ideas have been devised which have now been implemented into our services.

First off, I would like to announce the new release of our war server deals (packages).
These have been introduced to assist clans with the purchase of a private server and a voice service in one with discounted pricing! War server deals include;
- 12 slot Private server
- Full access to FTP and GamePanel
- Choose from either Counter-Strike: Source or Counter-Strike 1.6 [other games upon request]
- 10 slot TeamSpeak or Ventrilo server
- Clan web hosting package

CSS: $40 - CS: $35
Order Now

Continuing on, we would also like to announce the inclusion of voice servers with any other game server purchase. With the purchase of a server, you will have the option to have an additional 10 slot TeamSpeak or Ventrilo server added to your account for free! Your free voice service will remain online for the duration of your game service rental.

These are a few changes EpicServers have introduced to assist our fellow gamers in getting everything they need for a quality gaming experience.

If you have any opinions or suggestions, feel free to contact us by clicking here LINK

Comments (1)

I would like to thank all of the EpicServers customers and clients. From Wednesday, to Friday on sales alone we managed to raise just short of $600.00AUD which will be donated accordingly.
Once again thank you to everyone who contributed!

As everyone is well aware, after a tragic weekend in Victoria caused by an inferno with hundreds left deceased, many more injured and thousands more homeless the victims are in need of urgent assistance.

EpicServers is taking the effort to donate all proceeds made on sales from Tuesday the 10th of February to Friday the 13th of February to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal.

Any purchase made from now to Friday on all services provided by EpicServers including gaming services, web hosting, voice services will be placed in a pool and then handed over to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal.

Comments (3)
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Dabi said:, Live-Support, 24/7 help, English Support(Fluent), Top-Quality Hosting, Professional Staff(Mature,Nice,Experienced), Great prices, i should know, i have 3 server's totaling in 50 Slots and counting, been with them for 5 months and counting, and NEVER LOOKED BACK. If you can find a better host, Quality, Price, Support, Hosted in Australia, then I'll pay you $50 via pay pal, email is jedimoony(at)gmail(dot)com, good luck!